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Underground Printing Underground Printing

Sell custom t-shirts and take donations with no inventory, hassles or risk. Just design your shirt and share your cause. We fill the orders and send along the funds you raise!

Hospitality Fundraiser

Covid-19 fundraiser to support Main Street Bars & Restaurants in Madison, WI.

Short's Brewing

Short's Brewing Company (MI) t-shirt fundraiser to support employee relief.

Upheaval Music Festival

Upheaval Music Festival sold and shipped merch to virtual festival attendees across the country.

Virtual Dance Marathon

Dance Marathon raised funds by selling merch to contribute to their fundraising efforts.

Bretheren Disaster Services

Brethren Disaster Ministries fundraiser profits are going to benefit the ministries and all of their missions around the world.

NMH NICU March of Dimes 2020

Northwestern Memorial Hospital nurses put together an apparel sale every year to raise money for the March of Dimes Walk.

West Virginia University Nursing

West Virginia University nursing students use t-shirts to raise funds to help cover extra costs associated with their schooling.

Iowa Pharmacy - AMCP

Each semester Iowa College of Pharmacy sells one apparel item as a fundraiser and they're selling athletic shorts this year!